Delegation Tokyo 2022

Delegation Tokyo 2022

Delegation Tokyo 2022
Image: Rebecca Bück

Alyanna Ginder

Image: Rebecca Bück

Alyanna Ginder
(19), is a third-year bachelor student studying Political Science as her major and Communication Science as her minor. Her interest in international organizations, like the UN, NATO and EU started when she was in tenth grade after declaring the subject social science as one of her favorite subjects. Her interest in international cooperation was further fueled by the university, which motivated her to apply for WorldMUN. Besides that, she is interested in the field of fake news and media psychology as well as politics in the United States. Alyanna hopes, by participating in the MUN, to gain and improve her negotiating skills, to get to know new people in Jena and from all around the world, and to take the first step towards her goal to one day work for an international organization.

Anton Radke

Image: Rebecca Bück

Anton Radke
(19), is a B.A. Political Science and Human Geography freshman at the Friedrich-Schiller-University in Jena. He is interested in international relations and organisations, as well as learning about other cultures and traditions. Fascinated by the idea of multicultural dialogues and exchange of ideas and visions, it was immediately clear to him that he wanted to participate in the WorldMUN. By taking part in the delegation, he wants to get an inside look into how the UN works, as well as learning how to negotiate and debate in English. Looking forward to the experience, he hopes to make new friends and to be introduced to new perspectives on global issues.

Antonia Rausch

Image: Rebecca Bück

Antonia Rausch
(24) is pursuing her M.A. in Political Science with a focus on International Organizations. She finished her bachelor’s degree in Political Science and Intercultural Econo­mic Communication at the Friedrich-Schiller-University in Jena, including one semester abroad at the Corvinus University of Budapest in Hungary. Antonia‘s main interests in the field of Political Science are the concept of Liberal Peace, security mechanisms of international or­ganizations like the UNO as well as more regional organizations, and Postcolonialism. In her freetime she enjoys visiting cultural events, reading, keeping body and mind active with the help of sports and learning about the Brazilian language and culture. Antonia is enthusiastically looking forward to being part of a unique event like the Harvard WorldMUN 2022, where diversity does not construct fences, but builds bridges, and even more to be a member of a unique group of motivated delegates from the FSU Jena that raises team spirit to a new level.

Hannah Meyer

Image: Rebecca Bück

Hannah Meyer
(25) is in her final M.A. year of studying Political Science with a focus on international organizations. She has always been very interested in international and intercultural relations and this interest was further strengthened during her B.A. studies in International Relations with a focus on gender and diversity. While working for various NGOs her interest in human rights, migration policy and development policy has increased. By participating in Harvard WorldMUN, she hopes to develop a better understanding of the organizational work in the UN, speech writing, diplomatic negotiations and working under intense time pressure. She is also looking forward to the intercultural and political exchange with other students from all over the world.

Ina Siemer

Image: Rebecca Bück

Ina Siemer
(24) is a first semester student of the M.A. program Political Science in Jena. During her experiences abroad, she noticed how many structural disparities the world faces that are leading to unequal opportunities and chances for different individuals. In order to better understand what causes this issue, she studied Political Sciences, Sociology and History at the University of Bonn. Specializing in International Relations, she started to mainly focus on peace and conflict studies, analyzing various historic and contemporary crises. At WorldMUN, she is excited to interconnect and expand her knowledge while learning about negotiation strategies and the inside work of the UN. She is also looking forward to meeting young professionals from different parts of the world – even if this learning experience has to take place in a digital form.

Joshua Mock

Image: Rebecca Bück

Joshua Mock
(27), is currently studying the M.A. International Organisations and Crisis Management at Friedrich-Schiller-University in Jena. Already during his undergraduate studies in International Relations he gained practical insights into the area of human rights, migration and humanitarian assistance in crisis areas. Experiencing severe conflicts and crisis situations abroad has grown his interest in understanding the mechanisms and procedures of the United Nations in dealing with such international issues. As a delegate to Harvard WorldMUN 2022, Joshua is looking forward to engaging in the promotion of the importance of the UN, international cooperation and diplomacy and to see how the UN works in practice. He is striving to exchange ideas with a broad intercultural community at WorldMUN and to improve his negotiation and debating skills as well as the ability to adapt to different political views and cultures.

Justus Bartlewski

Image: Rebecca Bück

Justus Bartlewski
(23) is completing his B.A. in Political Science and Sociology at Friedrich-Schiller-University in Jena. He participated in SchillerMUN in 2021 with great success, receiving the award for best performing single delegate. Much of his experience in negotiations and public relations stems from his activity in civil society. He is a climate activist and head-organizer of a national working group of the Fridays for Future movement. His experience made him aware of the importance of international cooperation in the face of global threats, sparking his interest in international institutions and programs like WorldMUN.

Kayla Draheim

Image: Rebecca Bück

Kayla Draheim
(25), a first semester M.A. Political Science student, has had a long-standing interest in global politics and diplomacy. She is therefore extremely grateful to be a part of this year’s WorldMUN Jena delegation. During her B.A., she studied German and Russian with a specialization in International Relations. Previously, she has represented Germany and Poland during in-classroom simulations and has come to understand the invaluable experience of listening to and representing interests that may differ from one’s own. She looks forward to improving her debate and negotiation skills and is excited to engage in multilateral talks with students from around the world.

Liza Shcherbakova

Image: Rebecca Bück

Liza Shcherbakova
(23) is pursuing her M.A. in Political Science specializing in international organizations. She is interested in the concept of multilateralism and its potential to solve global and regional crises. Originally from Ukraine, Liza first came into close contact with diplomacy as an active member of the student club organizing informal meetings between students and career diplomats at the embassies seated in Kyiv. She has participated in two MUNs in her earlier student years and believes in the connecting power that this event provides for the next generation of UN delegates. The experiences Liza has collected through international exchange programs and study trips in the US and in Germany as well as her fascination for other cultures have taught her that there is "no worse, no better - just different" and that finding a common ground on any issue begins with welcoming the diversity of opinions. In her pastime, Liza loves playing the piano, learning languages, debating and exploring new places on foot.

Lucas Kozun

Image: Rebecca Bück

Lucas Kozun
(22), a fifth semester B.A. student of Political Science and Sociology at Friedrich-Schiller-University in Jena, is looking forward to experiencing the decision-making process of the United Nations simulated at Harvard WorldMUN. Having been introduced to MUNs during the 2016 Model United Nations Baden-Württemberg, his passion for debating, negotiating and rhetoric has only grown since then. The challenging task of having to adapt to a foreign country's political views and positions is one central aspect of participating in a MUN-simulation. Lucas views this adaptation as a great opportunity to broaden his own political horizon and to expand his knowledge, he also enjoys being able to put the theory of how the United Nations works that he learned at university into practice. He is especially excited about meeting new people from all over the globe and hopes to contribute to the success of the Jena delegation at Harvard WorldMUN 2022.

Maximilian Vogt

Image: Rebecca Bück

Maximilian Vogt
(22) is a student of Political Science and History and aiming for a B.A. degree at the Friedrich-Schiller-University in Jena. He is extraordinarily interested in the political system of the US – especially in the US presidency – and International Relations – especially in the theories and international organizations (history, actors and structures). His favorite leisure-time activities are reading, listening to music (opera) and sports (cross-country-skiing in winter and tennis in summer). As a participant of the SChillerMUN 2020, he represented the Kingdom of Belgium. It was a great experience, because he had the opportunity to act and behave like a diplomat. Creating negotiation strategies, trying to build alliances, writing and giving speeches and having ambitious debates was awesome. As a participant of the Harvard WorldMUN 2022 to-be, he is looking forward to the event and thrilled about it. He hopes that he can prove and improve his skills in speechwriting, negotiating and arguing. In addition to that he hopes that our delegation can act successfully and achieve some progress.

Nikita Divekar

Image: Rebecca Bück

Nikita Divekar
(24) is a 3rd year Bachelors student at the Friedrich-Schiller-University Jena. Her foray into debating and Model United Nations happened quite by accident. However, the engaging and fascinating experiences with MUN in particular during high school motivated her to step into the university circuit. Another motivation is her desire to someday work with the United Nations. She prefers UNSCs and crisis committees because of their sheer pace, intensity, and flow of debate. Apart from MUNing supporting Chelsea FC is something that is close to Nikita's heart. Like most others in her generation she loves Star Wars and Lord of the Rings, and most things geeky. In fact it was Star Wars that led her to take up fencing. After all, a sword is the next best thing to a lightsaber! May the Force be with you!

Raphael Piero

Image: Rebecca Bück

Raphael Piero
(23) is a fifth semester bachelor student in Political Science and Sociology at the Friedrich-Schiller-University in Jena, where he deepened his focus and interest in International Relations and organisations. In 2021 he already participated in the university intern UN simulation, representing Russia. Furthermore he also participated in other simulations before that. With an international background, having a French mother and having lived in three different countries, he has been interested in other cultures and international politics for several years now. Beside that he is also active in the environmental justice movement, mainly at Fridays for Future. All of this combined motivates him to be part of the WorldMUN Delegation 2021 and to use his experiences in the debates and negotiations.

Sven Meyer

Image: Rebecca Bück

Sven Meyer
(23) is a fifth semester B.A. student of Political Science and Linguistics at the Friedrich-Schiller-University in Jena. He is especially interested in International Relations and International Organizations as they can be a way for all the international actors to come and work together. He is a voulunteer for human rights NGOs and is especially focused on finding new and creative ways to promote human rights. He hopes to use his experiences of this engagement for the WorldMUN and to further deepen his work in the field of human rights as the work of human rights NGOs can be closely tied to the actions of International Organizations.