
Delegation Seoul 2015

Delegation Algeria
Image: WorldMun Jena

The delegation representing the Friedrich-Schiller-University Jena consists of nine students and the faculty advisor. In March 2015 the delegation will travel to the global scale conference World Model United Nations in Seoul.

Laura Berger

Image: Laura Berger

Laura Berger, 25 years, studies Master of Political Science in her third semester at the Friedrich-Schiller-University Jena, Germany. Twice before, she participated in Model United Nations - ElbMUN in Dresden and MUNOL in Lübeck. Her academic focus lies in International Relations and particularly in Peace and Conflict Studies. During her undergraduate studies in Hamburg, she received the Erasmus scholarship and studied one semester in Istanbul, Turkey, followed by an internship also in Istanbul. There she acquired intercultural competencies and gained proficiency in an international work environment. A previous one-year student exchange in the United States and several months-long stays abroad in European countries round up her international experiences. At the WorldMUN in Seoul she is especially looking forward to the challenges of the preparation as well as the conference itself. At the conference she hopes to expand her knowledge about global political issues, the United Nations Rules of Procedure as well as to get realistic insights on international diplomacy and negotiation strategies.

Hendrik Damerow

Image: Hendrik Damerow

Hendrik Damerow, 23 years old, studies Political Science and Sociology in his 5th semester (BA) at the Friedrich-Schiller-University Jena. In the 4th semester, he participated in the "United Nations" module and in this context was also part of the UN-simulation of the FSU Jena, representing Indonesia. In addition, he completed an internship in the Training for International Diplomats of the Federal Foreign Office, where he mostly worked with young diplomats from Afghanistan. In his spare time he commonly plays badminton and piano, goes skiing, likes to cook and spends a lot of time with his friends. The forthcoming World Model United Nations in Seoul now offers to him the opportunity of getting a more practical insight in the field of international diplomacy and thus to make a further step towards its desired career in the diplomatic service.Johannes Klemm, 26 years old, is pursuing a Master’s degree in 20th century History and Politics at the Friedrich-Schiller-University Jena. In addition to his undergraduate studies in history and human geography (which he concluded with a bachelor thesis on economic policy discourse in the early 1980s), he has developed an interest in contemporary and especially in international politics. In 2012, he spent a semester at Fudan University, Shanghai, and is now looking forward to the opportunity to return to East Asia for the 2015 World Model United Nations in Seoul.Mariella Loock, 23 years old, is a first semester student of the MA program Political Science at the Friedrich-Schiller-University Jena. She completed her undergraduate studies in Cultural History, European Ethnology and Science of Communication at the Friedrich-Schiller-University Jena as well. She is voluntarily working in different nongovernmental organizations since 2010. Having started with a nine month European Voluntary Service in Białystok, Poland, at a home for refugees, she is engaged in the field of migration and integration until today. Once she finishes her studies, she aims to work professionally in this area in order to be able to use her working experience and knowledge to exert influence on the political level. Therefore, she specializes in International Organizations and Globalization as well as International Relations. To represent specific interests and to learn about diplomatic negotiation are particularly motivating her to participate at the World Model United Nations in Seoul.

Julia Maxein

Image: Julia Maxein

Julia Maxein, 26 years old, is currently in her first semester of her Master in Political Science at the Friedrich-Schiller-University Jena. Previously, she successfully completed her bachelor’s degree of Political Science (major) and Intercultural Business Communication (minor) at the Friedrich-Schiller-University Jena as well. Julia considers the WorldMUN conference in Seoul as a great opportunity to obtain fundamental political, (inter)cultural and communicative skills. Particularly interesting for her is the challenge of discussing current and historical issues in multilateral diplomacy, to have the opportunity to discuss global politics and, beyond this, work jointly on innovative solutions. The preparations within the delegation as well as the objective of being a worthy representative of the Friedrich-Schiller-University Jena in South Korea provide unique and practical insights of the global day-to-day politic affairs.

Masha Mazur

Image: Masha Mazur

Masha Mazur from Russia, 24 years old, studies Political Science (MA) at the Friedrich-Schiller-University Jena, Germany. She loves volunteering, traveling, and meeting new people. She had some extensive volunteering experience. After participating in eight multi-week work camps in different countries, she has met a lot of amazing people. She is a very positive person who cares about the needs of others and is ready to help. She loves living in a multicultural society, getting to know new people, and learning new things about traditions and cultural features of countries. Her curiosity and genuine interest for new places and people have pushed her to not sit at home, but rather discover our world trough traveling. Reading books and doing yoga are what help her relax after hard study days and to think about the important and valuable things in our life that we not always notice in daily routine. In the end, she would like to express a hope - that by attending WorldMUN, she will be in a position where she can apply her skills and learn new ones through the interaction with colleagues from around the world. She is looking forward to this event and the possibility to get an absolutely new experience. See you all in Seoul!

Peer Jonas Rieck

Image: Peer Jonas Rieck

Peer Jonas Rieck, 27 years old, studies in the first semester of the MA program Political Science at the Friedrich-Schiller-University Jena. He specializes in International Organizations and Globalization and is also taking courses in International Relations and Foreign Politics. He completed his undergraduate studies in Social Sciences at the Carl von Ossietzky University in Oldenburg. In his bachelor-thesis, he dealt with policy convergence in the European Union. Among others, one motivation to participate at the World Model United Nations in Seoul was his experience of a three month internship at a nongovernmental organization located in Delhi, India. After having worked with an international team in social projects and projects oriented at protecting the environment, he aims at getting an opportunity to work professionally on the international level, for an international organization for instance. Participating at the WorldMUN 2015 in Seoul will give him impressions and experiences concerning the processes and procedures in international organizations.

Polina Sulima

Image: Polina Sulima

Tremendous, ambitious and persevering is how Polina Sulima, a World Model United Nations delegate of the Friedrich-Schiller-University Jena, describes the spirit overfilling the preparations of her team. She is a Ukrainian student in her early twenties, currently studying towards her Master’s degree in Political Science. International Relations and Globalization stand out as the main areas of her specialization. Polina is strongly convinced that her participation, apart from gaining important and unique insights into the UN world, will definitely open her mind as of a global citizen. The unique chance to discover and experience other countries around the globe inspires her to join the university team heading for Seoul already in March, 2015. As a community activist, she also seeks for fresh ideas on how to bring global issues closer to a local citizen, and therefore to empower her engagement in the sphere of civic education. Her motivation to become part of the WorldMUN in Seoul can be ultimately articulated by the quote, once uttered by Kofi Annan. "More than ever before in human history we share a common destiny. We can master it only if we face it together."

Jördis Waak

Image: Jördis Waak

Jördis Waak, 24 years old, studies Master of Political Science in her first semester at the Friedrich-Schiller-University of Jena. During her Bachelor she focused on European Studies and participated in excursions to Bosnia and Herzegovina and Brussels. In 2013 her first publication about the education system of Bosnia and Herzegovina was released. In her master studies she would like to change her point of view and take a closer look to the world outside the European Union. At the WorldMUN in Seoul she would like to get an idea of the work in such a huge international conference, because it may change her individual point of view and show her an approach to and profound understanding of diplomatic dilemmas. Experiencing the diplomatic work at the UN directly, will be an opportunity to broaden one’s mind and put a new perspective on international policy and politics.