Delegation Panama City 2018

Delegation of Egypt

Picture of Lisa Anke

Image: WorldMun Jena

Lisa Anke (24), a B.A. student in Political Science and Psychology at Friedrich Schiller University Jena, is interested in how to resolve conflicts worldwide and how to establish peace in conflict-affected areas. She believes in the connection between the psychological dimension and intercultural communication on the one side and politics on the other. She gained experience abroad, e.g. during a student exchange in France and South Africa, as an international volunteer in Colombia and as an Erasmus student in Turkey. Her goal is to work for an international human rights organization. She is looking forward to meet people from all over the world at WorldMUN 2018 and getting insights into diplomatic negotiation strategies and the work of international organizations. In her spare time, she loves attending cultural programs with her friends and travelling to other countries.

Picture of Lara Hoffmann

Image: WorldMun Jena

Lara Hoffmann (23), a first-semester student in the M.A. program in Political Science at Friedrich Schiller University Jena, completed her undergraduate studies in Political and Educational Science at the University of Erlangen. She strongly believes in the importance of international dialogue and cooperation in today’s globalized world. In her studies, she focuses on international relations, diplomacy as well as peace and conflict studies. WorldMUN provides her with a unique opportunity to work with students from all around the world, enhance her language and diplomatic skills, and develop a profound understanding of the UN system and procedures. Ultimately, she would like to contribute to intercultural understanding and help find solutions to the global challenges that we face today. She is very much looking forward for her first WorldMUN.

Picture of Olya Zhuk

Image: WorldMun

Olya Zhuk (23) is finishing her M.A. in Politics at Friedrich Schiller University Jena. She already obtained a Master’s in International Relations at Ivan Franko University of Lviv, Ukraine. International organizations have always been her favorite field of studies which is why the UN, particularly the UN Security Council, is the topic of her Master thesis. To her, participating in the World MUN is a great opportunity to both learn how the UN works and apply her theoretical knowledge to real-world issues. She is strongly convinced that the World MUN will be of great value to her professional development and welcomes the chance to contribute to the success of the FSU Delegation during the conference.

Picture of Oliver Laskowski

Image: WorldMun

Oliver  Laskowski, a 25-year old student from Lower Saxony, Germany, is currently enrolled in the M.A. Program in Political Science at Friedrich Schiller University Jena where he focuses on international relations and foreign policy. He completed his B.A. in Political Science and Economics at the University of Mannheim and completed internships in the German Bundestag and at the office of a council faction of the City of Mannheim. An active member of several youth- and student-parliaments, he participates regularly in political seminars throughout Europe. He is looking forward to meeting many new people and learning about their perspectives on current global issues at MUN 2018. Developing his diplomatic skills, engaging in productive political discussions and achieving a deeper understanding of the work of the United Nations are Oliver’s core incentives for participating in MUN 2018. To him, bringing people from all over the world together and having them work on solutions to our most challenging global problems is at the core of the Harvard World Model United Nations 2018 and the reason why it will be a lasting experience.

Picture of Janine Stibaner

Image: WorldMun

Janine Stibaner (31),  a student in the Master’s Program “Applied Ethics and Conflict Management” at Friedrich Schiller University Jena, is interested in reasoning about moral positions in conflict situations as they arise in medicine, economics, politics as well as bioethics. She successfully completed the workshop „Negotiation and Management of Conflicts,” fulfilling the „Mutual Gains Approach of Harvard University’s Project on Negotiation (PON).” Prior to her Master’s Program, she earned two bachelor degrees in Philosophy/Political Science and Studies of the Ancient Orient. As working for an international organization always involves different cultures, gaining a deeper understanding of cultures and their histories is fundamental to her. She considers the Harvard World Model United Nations a unique opportunity to learn about how to address global issues.

Picture of Iryna Sheremeta

Image: WorldMun

Iryna Sheremeta (23) is a motivated and socially active M.A. student in the Political Science double-degree program at Friedrich Schiller University Jena (Germany) and the National University of Kyiv Mohyla Academy (Kyiv, Ukraine). From 2016 until 2017 she served as President of the local branch of the European Youth Forum AEGEE (Association des États Généraux des Étudiants de l’Europe) in Kyiv. She has extensive international experience as both a volunteer and a professional. Before embarking in her M.A. program, she worked at the Viktor Pinchuk Foundation and the international organization Yalta European Strategy for which she helped organize the 13th Yalta European Strategy Annual Meeting. In addition, she participated in the „Young Leaders“ section at the 14th Yalta European Strategy Annual Meeting. With her interest in reforms, the NGO sector and international organizations, Iryna also completed an internship in the international department of Reanimation Package of Reforms. Iryna believes in learning by doing such, e.g. by getting engaged in committee sessions, intercultural exchanges, panels and educational activities

Picture of Carolin Brandenburg

Image: WorldMun

Carolin Brandenburg (23) just started her first year in the M.A. program in Political Science at Friedrich Schiller University Jena. She graduated with a B.A. from the University of Rostock, where she was active as a student representative in various committees. WorldMUN provides a great opportunity for her to pursue her academic interest in international relations, especially in conflict resolution and peacekeeping.

Picture of Johannes Säuberlich

Image: WorldMun Jena

Johannes Säuberlich (21) completed his B.A. in Sociology and Economics at Friedrich Schiller University Jena in 2017 and has started studying towards his M.A. in Sociology. He is very much looking forward to his first WorldMUN experience in Panama. He appreciates the opportunity to meet people from all over the world and to understand what it means to be part of a big international organization.

Picture of Oleksandra Panova

Image: WorldMun Jena

Oleksandra Panova (23) studies towards her M.A. in Political Science at Friedrich Schiller University Jena. Beforehand, she completed her B.A. in Political Science at Kyiv-Mohyla-Academy, Kyiv (Ukraine). As a response to the crisis in eastern Ukraine, Oleksandra is particularly interested in learning more about peacekeeping activities, conflict resolution, negotiation processes, and the role of international organizations. With her interest in applying different approaches to real-world issues, she frequently participates in workshops, debates or simulation games. She is strongly convinced that global challenges should be solved only through cooperation and dialog on the highest level.